Wandering Berusplants

My travel blog resurrected as I set out on another wander.

My Photo
Location: Tokyo, Japan

Sunday, August 27, 2006

Nepal 24

When it rains its a bit of a bog here, but its still got its nice corners. Intricate wood work, colorful street views, kites whipping high over the roofs as the sun burns a little on the horizon, banging off the goldem temple spikes, their eyes stairing out, like Elvis. Gone 2 years now, We are winding down the wander in Kathmandu, in a place with ample comforts for those with a desire for them. Doubtless theres many active things to do here, we ourselves are planning a wander up to Pokara and perhaps further into the mountains, but that will come in time. Being gone for so long the wieght of time traveling over looms pensively in our thoughts, which are often of the life we plan to ferrit out when we get back to Japan. We are giving consideration to Itabashi ku. 60m2. With a view perhaps. We also seem to have sorted a nice little end to this wander which would take us via Hong Kong and back to Fuji bewfore I turn 32. Any info you may have on the place greatly welcome. Mucho Gracias Amigos.

Eating alot

We have been stuffing ourselves in Kathmandu with lots of good grub, mainly Japanese which is plentyful & Tasty here, but also Steak, Pasta and MoMo. This evening we have wine and a Tin of Tuna. High Life (which is 5$ a tola) Getting porky waiting for the rains to subside. Japanese curry and Karaage deep fried chicken have been about the most tasty so far, see pictures for tasty ness.

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Tomoko's Blog

Has some nice Pictures of her moutain wanders if you fancy a look;

Monday, August 21, 2006

Sony W50

Our old Fuji film camera finaly popped its cloggs after 3 years of faithful service up hill and down dale. Seems there's some truth in the rumours that they are programmed to self destruct after that period of time! Although we are nearing the end of our travels we decided we still needed a snapper for the hopefully stunning views we'll see up country in Nepal over the next month or so, and there's also Tomokos work to consider, as that needs photos. So we bought the little number you see before you for almost exactly the same price as the camera we had before. But things move on in 3 years, oh boy. It has 8 times more memory (good), Its smaller (definately good, especially if you're of the Japanese way of thinking) it has a much bigger screen (great for travelling as peasants love to see them selves on screen, so the bigger the better) and it has double the amount of mega pixels (apparently good, although I'm a little muddy with such technology). Hopefully then I'll finally be able to start including my own shots on this blog rather than having to nick images from the web as I have done for the last few entries, as you may have guessed.

Thursday, August 17, 2006


Third Capital in a weekfor me, some kind of record there, aint I a busy bugger. Flight over was fine although we had a couple of exciting jumps. Escaped the tourist sweat of Pahar Ganj, Delhi for the slightly less sweaty tourist sweat of Thamel, Kathmandu. Still, cant knock the place, jamed full of facilities. We've been eating tasty Japanese food (Karaage teishoku - $2.50) and I've been spying some nice North Face jackets, something I've always fancied but never been able to afford them. Now with the joy of Chinese faking, I can have one for maybe $30 (fleece and gortex shell combination, if its gortex!) whith quality of a pretty high standard. Given I'm wanting it for posing rather than clinging to the side of mountains, ideal.
Staying in this hotel http://www.hotelgreatwallnepal.com/ (the prices they quote are their dream prices, room for two actually only $6) Roof top views marvelous, saw a white peak peaking over the green om this mornings Northern Horizon.
We still have our thoughts somewhat turned to our Japan return, but given we are likley gonna spend a month or 2 hear first I think we might have to check out some mountains. Seems they have some here.....

Monday, August 14, 2006

Pahar Ganj

Sweaty slippy slimy Pahar Ganj, a delightful little slum in the Monsoon so it is. No, really I dont want to by a wooden snake, athough the guy who clamed to have a Cobra in a bag interested me, was he trying to sell me it, or menace me with it I wonder....
Delhi brightened up by meeting a good friend Dror, Who I met originally in India years ago then in January as we past through Israel. He's with his father and brother, nice to see travelling families, but alas only for a day as they have flown up to Leh, the roof on India.
We wont be here much longer ourselves, as we have just booked a flight to Kathmandu with Sahara for a hundred dollars. Getting in to this flying thing as we near the end of our wander. Stil a month or two in Nepal, see some nice moutains, eat some nice grub and buy some fake North Face.
Enjoy the rest of your summers.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006


Back on the horn (Golden)
Slept in Orly Airport which I can thoroughly recomend, not much less comfortable than the 5 Euro a night place I am in here. Nice to see Istanbul hot and sunny, compared to cold and rainy when we started here in nov05. So I went from Istanbul to India via somewhere, and now I am back in Istanbul again, going to India again but this time via nowhere.
Photo is a cat I met the last time I cam (as I am now Cameraless) So far havent met the cat, but I have met some travelling mates we last sawin Khartoum, which was nice.

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Heading East Again

After a month of Tranquility here in Deux-Sevres am I am now less than a week away of heading back to India and resuming my travels, a few Kgs heavier and with very clean clothes.
I fly from Paris to Istanbul where I will spend a couple of nights, hoping to see the city rather sunnier than it was the last time we were there in November. Then to sweaty Delhi, meeting friends and on to Nepal perhaps. Check here to see how it goes. Mahadev.