Wandering Berusplants

My travel blog resurrected as I set out on another wander.

My Photo
Location: Tokyo, Japan

Friday, May 11, 2012

Last day in Sapper

ニック スタールテリ

Today woken by shouting Vietnamese on the varanda. Interrupted owner shouting at folk.
Also strange mute breakfast with new 305

Then met French and played Cards all day, they showered in my room. Last joint by the lake. Medi and the girls, cloe?

Walked the hill above town to smoke a spliff and found trees.

Come back to find Brit in the local looking a lot better. Smoke with her then two Canadians, nick and Stephanie.

Tomorrow to China?

Tuesday, April 03, 2012

Hanoi Day

Wake to Paypal annoyance. Delete account. Quick skype with Shorty, good luck with the wind and pollen of a Tokyo spring babe. Mark off to work, I Breakfast on his leftovers. So laundry in cooperation with the cleaner. Ponder today's wanders, anti-clockwise around the lake I think. Warm out ideal strolling weather. Now one third of the way round and first coffee stop of the day, spot of wifi. What comes next...


Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Train from Hochimin to Hue

Train to Hue.

Took a taxi to the station with Shorty who went on to the Airport. Watching her waving form receding as the taxi drove away. Two weeks together was special, but now I'm alone.

Train departed at 11pm. 4 berth coup, shard with 3 Vietnamese, a couple of them speaking some English, bloke across from me, the only one going to Hue, very friendly. This is his second ever trip by train he says. Of course i forgot his name

Comfortable bed on lower bunk. Facilities good, toilet clean and inc washeret. Smoking in the gap between the carriages. Fresh water on tap plus a wee bottle for each passenger. To sleep in my Lunghi. Not a great sleep, alternately too hot or to cold depending on how covered I was by blanket and how strong the AC was. Train not particularly stable, so sometimes woken by stronger shudders. Crying baby a couple of coups along.

First stop at dawn, two guys in upper births depart. One other bloke appears and goes to sleep in upper bunk opposite, refugee from crying baby coup perhaps?

Bloke across from me buys me pop corn and cola for breakfast! I will ask his name again;

Hai; means sea or small ocean.
海 Vietnamese have Kanji names, found this out went we went for dinner at the home of one of the Koyuki ladies. Hai is from Can Tho, the place we visited before returning to Saigon.

Beautiful view drift past of course. Sometimes hilly. Now Sea, beaches, boats and Islands. Soundtrack: Recondite live mix.

Then 3hrs of good sleep. Finish he coke and corn, meet a Columbian.
Reading Vagabonding: An Uncommon Guide to the Art of Long-Term World Travel, a pep talk that's easy to agree with. Placid Mix.

Brunch arrived at 1030. Bland Chicken and veg with rice. Hai paid again, wouldn't take my money.

In and out of Da Nang Station. Hopped off for a beer, 15gd at the first shop, 12 at the second.
Hai won't take my beer though, so one more for me. He bought some nice sesame snacks to munch on.

Finished Vagabonding, gets a bit rambling towards the end, but good food or thought. Now trying Dawkin's God Delusion, perhaps easier to get into than Selfish Gene.

North of Da Nang amazing sea views from a line that is winding its way around the hills 500m or so up. Gotta be one of the most spectacular lines I've ever been on, beets last months Hokkaido sea front line due to the elevation.
No roads, no towns, no humans in sight, just the hills, the jungle, the sea and the line.

Cart comes back with he same food. No, but I'll have a beer and some jerky. One hour to go.

And here we are, checked a few hotels and ended paying about ¥600


Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Anti-Tourism Rant

Since we got here the guy in the hotel has been bugging us go on one of his tours. Never been a big fan of tours, seeing the thing that you are supposed to see as a tourist in a particular place, so I naturally shied away from his pestering. Instead we wandered down some alleys, took a ferry to the poor side of the river, ate some lovely local food for pennies and met some friendly local folk, and their big roosters! Travel is an individual mini adventure, not a predestined conveyer belt, and the joy for me comes in the small moments of beauty spied and human connections chanced upon. Yes you will miss some sites, but then you always do, the compensation of reality more than makes up for it. Todays rant!


Saturday, March 17, 2012


So I'm in Vietnam at the start of a one year travel. Not sure if I need to use this blog much as I will be bunging stuff on Facebook and twitter, but maybe the odd rant wouldn't go amiss.
After a couple of days in Saigon we flew down to Phu Quoc island for some beach based relaxation. Photo is me having breakfast in the resort cafe. After a day of relative activity yesterday, biking around, swimming, today will be a day for doing very little, in part to preserve my skin any more burning!


Monday, January 09, 2012

Vietnam and California

Heading off on my travels again next month so I might have to resurrect this Blog. Main targets are Vietnam and California. Never been to the states and now have connections in the bay area. However its a bitt chilly there in Feb so the idea of Nam arose. Also ties in with gf's friend opening a bridal wear shop in HoChimin and the ability to do a bit of IELTS.


Monday, October 23, 2006

Hong Kong views

Mighty spectacular at night.