Our old Fuji film camera finaly popped its cloggs after 3 years of faithful service

up hill and down dale. Seems there's some truth in the rumours that they are programmed to self destruct after that period of time! Although we are nearing the end of our travels we decided we still needed a snapper for the hopefully stunning views we'll see up country in Nepal over the next month or so, and there's also Tomokos work to consider, as that needs photos. So we bought the little number you see before you for almost exactly the same price as the camera we had before. But things move on in 3 years, oh boy. It has 8 times more memory (good), Its smaller (definately good, especially if you're of the Japanese way of thinking) it has a much bigger screen (great for travelling as peasants love to see them selves on screen, so the bigger the better) and it has double the amount of mega pixels (apparently good, although I'm a little muddy with such technology). Hopefully then I'll finally be able to start including my own shots on this blog rather than having to nick images from the web as I have done for the last few entries, as you may have guessed.
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