Wandering Berusplants

My travel blog resurrected as I set out on another wander.

My Photo
Location: Tokyo, Japan

Monday, October 23, 2006

Hong Kong views

Mighty spectacular at night.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

2 years, 3 months, 17 days

and we are back in Tokyo. All good things must come to an end and that is pretty much it for that travel. Shed a tear. Think back and the chest swells. That we have been so lucky to see so much and greet so many. All those who helped us, reached out a hand, were delighted to see us although we are no one from no where. The thousand year old sites we scrambled about on. The deserts, the seas, the jungles and peaks. Such a huge world and we went out and saw a twinkle. The next time some one tells you the world is getting smaller, humour them but know that really it isnt. Just cuz one trendy metropolis is merging with another dont mean that the gaps inbetween arent expand in ways that reveal the depth and bredth of the natural/human world. Huge. We saw but just a tiny speck, but enough to last a hundred lifetimes. The cards that Allah deals, we humbly collect and count out blessings. A lifetime within a lifetime. Travel is something special, thanks to anyone who helped me realise this, pointed in the right direction or enjoyed with me. More to come Inshallah, but if we see nothing more than a few wind blown trees then we have seen an infinate, the flow of life, its out there if you have the chance to stop and see, or even better wander and interact. Enjoy!

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Hong Kong

Has free internet on the Subway platforms, out hi tecking even Tokyo perhaps. But Ive only got a minute left, Argggg
Food also very tasty.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006


Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Up Pun Hill

We went. Took us a week in all and we never needed the rain macs. We may attempt to swap them with Tibeten women for Jewelry. Not quite like returning something to M&S. It was a a lovely wee walk, sometimes hard going, sometimes peachy. Some lovely panoramas of the big mountains from the Summit of Pun Hill which we climbed up for Dawn for some odd reason. Lovely views all around, very green and big. We found the hotsprings, and had a couple of nice restdays in the best villages. Will leave the story there. With only a week or so until we fly to Hong Kong thoughts are looking away from the tourist life and the next one that awaits in Tokyo. The end of a trip always makes focusing on the present tricky. Still, a nice place to be in the present. Musnt Grumble. Will try and sort some pictures on line.