When it rains its a bit of a bog here, but its still got its nice corners. Intricate wood work, colorful street views, kites whipping high over the roofs as the sun burns a little on the horizon, banging off the goldem temple spikes, their eyes stairing out, like Elvis. Gone 2 years now, We are winding down the wander in Kathmandu, in a place with ample comforts for those with a desire for them. Doubtless theres many active things to do here, we ourselves are planning a wander up to Pokara and perhaps further into the mountains, but that will come in time. Being gone for so long the wieght of time traveling over looms pensively in our thoughts, which are often of the life we plan to ferrit out when we get back to Japan. We are giving consideration to Itabashi ku. 60m2. With a view perhaps. We also seem to have sorted a nice little end to this wander which would take us via Hong Kong and back to Fuji bewfore I turn 32. Any info you may have on the place greatly welcome. Mucho Gracias Amigos.
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