We made it back here, completed one circle of our life. HURRAH. Circle diameter; 6 years. Circumferance unknown.
Huge perhaps. Varanasi is hot like a hot potato in a hot house. All things happening here, yes. Cows, Monkeys, River, Pooja, Bhang Lassi, Winding Alleys, Fire, Smells, Bells, Blaring horns and music, Water Shimmering, CHANTING CHANTING, nice buscuits, Thali 12Rps, Rickshaw 5 Rps, Chai 2Rps. Baba Baba. Boat ride Baba? Asi Ghat, as living in the Superbs is Better, you get some air you see. Electricity in Short Supply baba. Same Hotel as before, TEMPLE ON THE GANGIS, but not the same room, as habitation next door has more
space. Price UP 5oRps. Pictures ; me at Pooja, me with drying Dung. All Well. Aiwa.
Shanti Amigos.