Wandering Berusplants

My travel blog resurrected as I set out on another wander.

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Location: Tokyo, Japan

Monday, May 15, 2006

Leaving Yemen

Got back to Sana'a this evening and we will be leaving the country tomorrow evening, our flight to Mumbai leaves at 10pm. We will spend this evening munching Khat with some Japanese friends who've turned up from Ethiopia. Tomorrow will be spent tying up any loose ends then away we go. We've had an amzing time in Yemen, its people and its places make it a wonderful place to travel. If we weren't leaving to go to India I think we'd be pretty depressed now, but with all that looms in the Sub-continenet, the emotion is definately Excitment. What will it be like to return there after six years? Will being there be a continuation of the current trip, or will it feel like something else. When I first went there I was a travel novice, Aint no expert now but I've seen a few places so its gonna be fascinating to see how India compares, feels etc. Onwards!


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