
I've mentioned it before but its worth coming back to the Khat. Never have I seen a society so taken with a drug other than alcohol. Tis a national institution, past-time and entertainment all rolled up in one leafy bundle. Every town has its khat souk, many more in bigger towns (there are 3 within 2 mins walking of our hotel here in Sana'a, and thats markets, not shops) After Dinner the nation settles down to a good chew and the country is strewn with discarded leaves and storks. Its a nice hit if you have some good stuff, gives you a buzz, zest for chat, adventure and a fir burst of energy. Downside for me is how stuffing hundreds of leaves in your mouth for a prolongued time (for you have to store the pulp in your cheek hamster like to get the best feeling) takes a toll on the mouth, and the next day leaves you real lathergic unless you chew more! For the Yemenis the main downside is how they speend so much of their already meagre income on it. Pictures show me chewing with it other happy partakers, and a khat party under a trailor.
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