Mountain Wandering

Rains have been again, we managed to drench ourselves riding up North on the scooter, but they now seemed to have passed so tomorrow Inshallah we'll be able to catch a bus to the foot of Pun Hill. Then it'll be a slow couple of days up and then another day to a hot springs town. Always literaly named places in the mountains these, Garam Pani in India, Aquas Calientes in Peru and in Napal hot water is Tato Pani. Another few days coming back plus lingering inbetween at the nice spots the wander should take us a weeks mas o manos. Tis the beginning of the end really, as from here we move on schedules through Kathmandu, Hong Kong and to Tokyo. Will be nice to be getting on. For the imdeiate now, provisions have been bought; Mueseli Bars, Iodine, Rain Capes (bright red!) Batteries, Sachets of Shampoo being just some of the clobber we'll be lugging (although not actually much more, as we go for Baba style trekking). Hoping we'll see some big old views of the mountains, like the picture here I took on Sarankot, but higher and closer. Pun Hill is the name of the Hotel we've passed a pleasant 2 weeks, and now for some action we go to climb Pun Hill. Good enough.