Tel Aviv

We were in Amman. Twas cold and some what bereft of a certain sparkle. That wasnt our game of soldiers so we headed west, to Isreal. Jeruslaem, so it is a full place, all dem types, bowing there heads and chanting their chants in a whole swirl of different ways and colours. Jesus' Rose smelling stone, the bowing wall of the zionites, and the Golden petrusion, muscled in with more and more. Taken away by my Isreali connections, Dror and Lior turn up in the rasta van and have us away to Tel Aviv. Beach, herbs, soul food, acupuncture, Friends with India memories. Hare. Photo shows Leor, Dror, Tami, Sush, Kibutz Fags and Leors home grown. |
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